Mar 24, 2011

Just You In My Mind.

We were never planned and the love was not planned either but today It would be an old love story but to me it has always been fresh and so vivid like it just happened yesterday, and so will she always be in my heart. I'm still in love. It hurts to say but this got to be shared among my many new and our old friends, and make you proud that i still love you, true and unconditioned to your being today. And that was a promise, i still remember i said 'i love only once and you...' Those were days when Cupids got us together and then we were very young in a primary school. To be called kids but our love wasn't kitty.
How I met you was a surprise. I didn't expect some one new in our class that year. But when you came and sat right next to me, oh my heart, it began to talk and i was too weak to disobey. I felt so vulnerable and i wish something like those years could happen again today. It's just a wish now. Sitting on the same bench whole day in a class with the person you love most, I can't forget how great our chemistry was then.Those are all goosebumps now. Slowly as time went by, we already had our mid-term and we were already real buddies.Sometimes, we used to share textbooks and side by side, hiding from the teacher, we used to write each other our feelings in a paper. I miss those scribblings of our hearts.
But one day, it was a free period and we were in the class buzzing together with the rest. The year was almost coming to an end. That last day, I wrote you something so important and i saw you right there reading it, and you were smiling. You loved that piece of paper, didn't you? I knew what you would write it back.
But why didn't you?, why did you say you would write me the next day? Was it to keep me whole night awake, thinking about it?..I wish you had replied right away. You wanted time, I knew it. The night was long, the moment haunted between my partial wakefulness and sleep. I kept dreaming, I was only thinking about you and the reply whole night.
But life is unpredictable. It was true and it was like an explosion. The bomb ended my world. I didn't see you again. Some said your dad got transferred to a new place. But at least I knew you were alive and you loved me too, and I still love you. I wish I could see you again and ask you million questions. Would we again....? is in the hands of fate and Gods.


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