May 4, 2011

The Day I Started Writing.

Sometimes when I try to define myself, I get the answer that I'm an amateur lost in the world of blogging. Trying to save boring hours blogging is pretty cool especially at this part of life. It's a play of my poor literature. I just love it when I could at least make a sense in the page from my thoughts.

The first time I began writng short notes was in
Facebook with one of my top e-friends. I still don't know how?..why?...such a creature inspired me. Everything was perfect that moment; the weather was romantic; thunder rumbling, lightening was a word I used in the first line. Line after lines, we were alternately wrtitng in a poetic form what we got in our minds.

That note is the oldest post here and I don't think any reader would care to read to that extent of the blog.
The lightening struck on a pure sunny hour of the day
Bringing the downfall of the monsoon
Just to shower a smile on my face and some grim to others
are first three lines of the poem; the first two lines were mine; and the other , my friend wrote it.
I just missed those moments.

Since then I wrote numerous notes; some were really good and others, I consider they were just scribblings of my boring thoughts. Over the time, I've improved and I still enjoy writing sometimes. There's not much time to spare for writing but I will always try when I feel like to because it has already been in my hobby lists.

Thank You. This is the story how I started writing moments I encounter in my life.


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