Apr 21, 2011

Walking through the door of possibility~ swan_bella

As inspiring as the title sounds, the shallow the write up is. But there is more than that meets the eye, so read and learn. That was more of a joke than a serious tone.

I sit and try to fill in what I was thinking and the changes I have undergone, not the hormone ones though. Take some time to laugh at my honesty here. Every result has an inspiration and likewise I have my muse for this possibly and seemingly an incredible article I am supposedly to write.

Till yesterday I was in the cocoon, yesterday doesn’t mean literally but figuratively. I was in a way, very scared to come out of the shell but now I am out of the shell, brace yourself because I am no less than a nuclear bomb…dangerous and irresistible… I wished for that but I am no more or less than an imperfect human being making me so normal. But I am glad I am just a human with no tags and no paparazzi following me around.

Since I am out of my shell, here I am with my bunch of friends who speaks my language, each holding a beer or a glass of vodka trying to sip through every last drop. We are friends for not long, but doing things they did or do and being in their circle of friends was rewarding. I enjoyed every possible minute; we were the wild child in our own little world we formed to keep ourselves from the bigger bullies.

Sitting around these lunatic groups as we call ourselves out of sheer love, I have known how it feels to be connected with people from all walks of life, everybody has a voice and all together we make a perfect noise… be it singing or shouting on top of lungs, we did best and I am proud to be one of them. All in all, this is the best door I have ever entered and I am so not closing this door for a long time to come.

Now comes the love of my life… wish I had one. Dream on…I am still perfectly single. Or maybe you can say “Face book” is my boyfriend because I spent most of my time with “HIM” as I want to put it that way. Face book is my addiction which I can’t seem to get enough with… I try to log in every after five minutes hoping for a notification from you. Seems pathetic? If pathetic has a name, then that’s me. But I am glad for I met my oldest buddies through face book which made my school mates realize how geek can turn into a beauty, example is me. Beauty vs. the geek and obviously I am both. LOL… But seriously I am more than happy I met you here in my little world of face book, you are that perfect tinge in my iota of an imperfect life. This is the door of my every possible way of falling in and out of love. I shall keep it open till the end.

Coming out of shell is more like coming out of freezer into a hot pan… the hot and coldness gushed out making me almost breathless. I say ‘breathless’ because of overwhelming emotions engulfed with the things happening around. Life is a challenge and I don’t seem to tackle that pretty well because I thought every little thing makes people happy. But I was wrong, people are more selfish and greed takes over their noble thoughts making them a perfect “stepmom” of a fairy tale and we all fall in that category in one or the other way. Back then I looked at this world through a window with a curtain which I could close it if I wanted to but now I am standing on the doorstep, I can’t close it because I don’t want to appear like a coward and I have a mixed feeling about moving forward… what if I lose the way? But now I am out here, out in the space…I am ready to face the challenge and make it larger than life. Coming from me, I sound like a suppandi trying hard not to take it the other way round. If only life is a script and me a script writer, I would have written mine brilliantly and ruined all yours…. Come laugh with me. LOL


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